anni 90
Height: 7.09 in (18 cm)Diameter: 7.09 in (18 cm)
This vase designed and manufactured in Venice in the Nineties exhibits the characteristics typical of Murano glass craftsmanship, infused with Carlo Moretti’s distinctive style. Crafted from Murano glass, renowned for its high quality and craftsmanship. It features a striking combination of red, white, and black, reflecting the design trends of the 1990s. These colors have been applied in swirling patterns adding visual interest and contrast to the piece. The vase has a spherical or rounded shape, typical of Carlo Moretti’s style. It’s a stunning example of contemporary glass art, combining traditional techniques with modern design aesthetics. Its vibrant colors, elegant shape, and fine craftsmanship make it a standout piece in any interior setting, adding a touch of sophistication and style to the space. It’s in perfect condition.
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