anni 70
Altezza: 34 cm (13,39 in)Diametro: 12 cm (4,73 in)
A soli flower vase handcrafted in Venice in the Seventies, the design, the color and the kind of work attribute it to Cenedese Murano glass is renowned for its craftsmanship and artistry. Murano, an island near Venice, has a long history of glassmaking, and pieces from this region often feature intricate details, precision, and a high level of skill in the manipulation of glass.Cenedese is a renowned Italian glass manufacturer based in Murano, known for its high-quality glasswork. Scavo glass is typically created by applying a corrosive or acid treatment to the surface, giving it a textured and aged look. This technique was popular during the 1970s, and it adds a sense of history and character to the piece.
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