anni 40
Height: 8.27 in (21 cm)Diameter: 7.88 in (20 cm)
An amazing oak and brass wine cooler hand-crafted in France by Geraud Lafitte for Abel Le Pitre in the Forties, it’s in original condition with normal signs of use and age, marked on a side Geraud Lafitte ” Meilleur ouvrier de france 1933 “. It exhibits characteristics of the Art Deco style popular during that era. Art Deco featured geometric shapes, bold lines, and luxurious materials. This wine cooler has a smooth, curved design, made from oak wood and accented with brass elements. The use of quality materials like oak and brass would align with the craftsmanship typical of the Art Deco period. On a side there is a large brass label of champagne Abel Le Pitre in Reims, on the other side one with Prince A. the Bourbon Parme. The detachable internal part is in aluminum. It’s a fantastic and usable barware item.
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