anni 2000
Height: 13.39 in (34 cm)Width: 39.38 in (100 cm)Depth: 1.19 in (3 cm)
This oil on canvas painting titled “Cloudy Day at the Sea” by Ihor Tomin an Ukrainian artist captures the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the ocean. The artwork portrays a scene where powerful waves are crashing towards the shore, their translucent green and turquoise hues illuminated by the light filtering through the clouds above. The waves are depicted with a high degree of realism, with intricate details in the foam and spray that convey both movement and texture. The sky above the ocean is filled with a mix of dense clouds, casting soft shadows over the water, yet allowing some sunlight to break through, creating a dramatic and somewhat moody atmosphere. The interplay of light and shadow on the waves adds depth to the composition, highlighting the energy of the sea against the expansive, cloud-filled sky. This painting beautifully reflects the contrast between the calm, yet ominous clouds and the relentless, powerful waves, evoking a sense of both tranquility and the raw power of nature.

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