anni 70
Height: 35.44 in (90 cm)Diameter: 17.72 in (45 cm)
Gaetano Sciolari
A Chandelier named Domus designed by Gaetano Sciolari and manufactured by Stilkronen, italian company which used a very strong 24 kt plating on metal. the chandelier hasn’t been never used, it comes from an important italian lighting shop going out of business, for that it’s in perfect condition and in working order. Gaetano Sciolari was an Italian lighting designer known for his contributions to the Mid-Century Modern movement. His designs often incorporated chrome and brass finishes, reflecting the prevailing aesthetic of the time. Sciolari’s chandeliers were characterized by their sculptural forms, geometric shapes, and innovative use of materials. The Domus chandelier embodies these design principles. It features a combination of gilded metal and a distinctive arrangement of glasses in a geometric pattern. The chandelier showcases a balance between simplicity and sophistication, capturing the essence of Mid-Century Modern design.
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