anni 70
Height 35.44 in (90 cm), Diameter 35.44 in (90 cm)
This chandelier is a striking example of Mid-Century Modern design with a touch of Hollywood Regency flair. It’s glamorous yet restrained, featuring a harmonious blend of warm brass tones and delicate gray Murano glass. The design is both organic and geometric, creating a visually captivating piece. The chandelier features a central, vertical rod or stem finished in polished brass. Radiating outwards from this stem are twelve arms, also in brass, that hold the Murano glass shades. These arms have a distinct, angular design typical of the Mid-Century era. The gray hue of the shades is sophisticated and diffuses the light softly. Each shade has a unique, organic leaf shape. The edges appear ruffled or undulating, adding a touch of whimsy and naturalism. The brass components have a warm, golden hue, showing some signs of age and patina which are consistent with the piece’s vintage. This patina adds character and authenticity to the chandelier. The chandelier came out of a shop going out of business, it’s in excellent condition and in working order.

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